Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Form-IV Notice of Increase Share Capital The Companies Act, 1994 (Ref Section 56)



Notice of Increase Share Capital

The Companies Act, 1994  

(Ref Section 56)


Name of the Company

Presented for filing by

To the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies.

                                                                                                     _ Limited.

hereby gives you notice pursuant to section 56 of the Companies Act, 1994 that by (a)

                                  resolution of the company dated                                    day

of                  _ the share capital of the company has been increased by the addition thereto of the sum of Tk                                            beyond t he registered

capital of Tk.                                               total in all is Tk.



The additional capital is divided as follows :



Number of Shares

Class of Shares

Nominal Amount of each share





The condition (e. g voting rights, dividends, etc ) subject to which the new shares have been or are to be issued are as follows :

(If any of the new shares are preference shares state whether they are redeemable or not)



(State whether Director or Manager or Secretary)


Dated this                                            day of                      _ 20                               _

(a) "Ordinary" "Extra Ordinary" or "Special"


Form-III Notice of the Consolidation, Division The Companies Act, 1994 Ref Section 53, 54



Notice of the Consolidation, Division

The Companies Act, 1994 

Ref Section 53, 54


Notice of Consolidation ,division, subdivision or conversion into stock of shares,

specifying the shares so consolidated, divided, sub-divided or converted into stock or of the re-conversion into shares of stock, specifying the stock so reconverted or of the

consolidation of shares (otherwise than in connection with a reduction of shares capital

under section 59 of the Companies Act, 1994).


The Companies Act, 1994


Reg. No.                                       _

(See Sections 53 & 54)

Dated                                         _

Name of the Company


Presented for filing by


To the Registrar of Join Stock Companies


I                                                       _, Managing Director hereby given you notice in

accordance with section 53 & 54 of the Companies Act, 1994 that :-


1.                                    Ordinary / Preference shares of Tk                              each have been

divided into                        Ordinary / Preference shares of Tk                                                         each

(of larger amount than the shares consolidated).


2.                           _ Ordinary / Preference shares of Tk              each on which Tk.

                    per share is paid up have been sub-divided into                   shares of Tk.                                                                                    each (of smaller amount than the sub-divided) on which Tk.

                                 _ per share is paid up (which must be proportionate to

the reduced nominal value of each share).


fully paid up shares of Tk                    _ each numbered                                                         



have been converted into stock.




Tk.                   of stock has been converted into                   fully paid shares of


Tk.                                 each.




                           shares of Tk.                 each, being un-issued capital, have


been cancelled and the amount of the authorized capital has been correspondingly diminishe d.






Signature Designation

(State whether Director or Manager or Secretary)


Dated : This                            day of                        Date of EGM :