Friday, June 2, 2023

6 Time Management strategies that work amazingly well

6 Time Management strategies that work amazingly well

Getting more done every day is difficult. With so many distractions and problems to deal with daily, it is too easy for days to go by without accomplishing anything.

Try these tips to get more done daily:

1. Plan on paper
When we try to do all our planning internally, it can be overwhelming and our train of thought can get derailed easily.

To get things done faster, think on paper or at least via typing. Write/type out your thoughts, analyze them, and work through them.

2. The Two-Minute Rule
If something takes less than two minutes to get done, then do it immediately. This will save you a lot of time, and free up your mind to focus on deeper topics.

3. Work in batches
Instead of answering email throughout the day, schedule specific times for answering emails. Do the same for phone calls, admin tasks, and other small tasks that take up the bulk of your day. This will free up a lot of time for deep work.

4. Optimize your work environment
Remove distractions, cut out social media, and ensure that you only have access to the tools you need for work. The more optimized your environment, the easier it gets to concentrate and get things done.

5. Do the hardest tasks during your peak performance time
Figure out which time of the day you are at your peak (early morning, afternoon, late night) and schedule your most important work for that time.

6. Stay healthy
Eating healthy, exercising, and getting enough sleep are all necessary for maintaining the energy and brain power needed to do great work. Taking care of your health is part of taking care of your time.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

What happened to us?

এইটা অধিকাংশই বুঝতে চায় না!

মাকে কাঁধে চড়িয়ে তাওয়াফ করছে তাওয়াফ করছে একলোক। ইমাম আসমাই লোকটাকে বললেন,
-মাকে নিয়ে অনেক কষ্ট করছ।
-হাঁ, তিনি আমাকে নয় থেকে দশমাস গর্ভে বহন করেছেন। তার কিছুটা হকও যদি এভাবে আদায় করতে পারি!
-আমি তোমাকে মায়ের হক আদায় করার আরও উত্তম উপায় বাতলে দিবো?
- উপযুক্ত পাত্র দেখে মাকে বিয়ে দিয়ে দাও।
-ওরে আল্লাহর শত্রু! এমন পবিত্র স্থানে তুই আমার মায়ের অপমান করছিস? আমার মাকে নিয়ে যা তা বলছিস?
মা ছেলের গালে ঠাস করে চড় দিয়ে বললেন,
-রে পাজি নচ্ছার, হককথায় বেজার হওয়ার শিক্ষা দিয়েছিলাম তোকে?